7 Shitty Bird Facts You Didn’t Know You Needed
7 Shitty Bird Facts You Didn’t Know You Needed
Do birds fart? Can bird poo replace coal energy? Here are 7 shitty facts about birds that you didn't know you needed.

1 – Do birds poo and pee at the same time?

Yep! Unlike mammals, birds don’t have a separate orifice for urine or feces. Everything has to exit through an orifice called “cloaca” that works as a sphincter, which is also the same orifice used for reproduction. Birds have evolved to reduce their body weight as much as possible and one of these features is not having a regular bladder. In order to keep themselves light so they can fly, birds don’t store their urine like other animals do.

2 - Why is bird shit white?

Birds don’t produce urine. They excrete their waste through uric acid, which comes out as a white paste. This white paste doesn’t dissolve in water easily and is the reason why bird poo looks like white goo. The green/brown component is the feces and this comes from the intestines, and the clear liquid part is something similar to urine and this comes from the kidneys.

3 – Do birds fart?

Nope! Farting is only possible if you have bacteria that builds gas in your stomach. Birds don’t have this bacteria, therefore, they are incapable of farting. Their stomachs process food fast, it doesn’t sit there fermenting and producing gas like what happens to mammals.

4 - Do birds shit while they sleep?

Yep! They might be sleeping, but their digestive system is still working. Even though they poo fewer times, birds still shit at night time (or in the day) while they are sleeping.

5 – Do birds poo while flying?

Yep! Birds can poo everywhere and at any time they need, including flying. They generally have no control over it, so as soon as their digestive system is ready, they shit. Birds often also poo while taking off in a flight to lighten themselves up.

6 – Why is bird shit good luck?

There's a Russian old-wives tale that says that being shat on by a bird is actually good luck. The reasoning behind this is that being pooped on is a relatively rare event. Another reason for that comes from the symbolism associated with birds; in many cultures birds are believed to be messengers of supernatural things, which means they could be bringing good news.

7 – Can bird poo can replace coal?

Yep! Israeli scientists at the Ben-Gurion University are planning to burn bird shit to generate energy. Recent research has discovered that by using a process called ‘hydrocharring’, which has a similar combustion process as burning coal, it’s possible to generate heat.  

Well crap, there you go!


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