
Our mission

We have a passion for protecting our feathered friends. We raise awareness through design and action.

Everything we do at Aves is about making a positive difference for birds and their habitats. Our mission is to:

  • Celebrate the unique beauty of the birds we love.
  • Inspire greater awareness about the important role that birds play in our ecosystem.
  • Empower conservation efforts to protect threatened species.

Our story

We are a grassroots movement that is merging creativity and conservation to raise awareness about protecting endangered birds. Our vision is to create a world where birds and their habitats are valued, protected and thriving.

Our new ‘A-wear-ness’ project is focussing on promoting bird conservation through apparel design and purposeful action. The latest line of minimalist t-shirt designs celebrate the beautiful colours of bird species and present a silhouette of what could be lost without dedication to avian protection.

We've been inspired by the beauty and intelligence of birds, and the way they bring joy to our lives. But we also know that birds are facing increased threats due to habitat loss, climate change and domestic animal attacks. Their decline is a warning sign for the health of our planet.

Every time you wear one of our sustainable and purposeful tees, you'll be making a statement about your values and supporting an important cause: the protection of birds and their habitats.

Pay it forward

We're doing our part by donating a portion of our profits to environmental charities working tirelessly to protect birds and their habitats. From the sale of artworks and apparel Aves contributes 10% of profits to wildlife charities WIRES and Bird Life Australia.

But we don't just want to talk the talk, we want to walk the walk and inspire others to do the same. 

With the Aves ‘A-wear-ness’  initiative, we want people who care about conservation to wear these shirts around their local neighbourhood and start a conversation. It’s ‘wearing your care’. 

Join the community

We're building a movement of people who are committed to making a difference, one feather at a time.

That's why we are building a community, and producing content and campaign material to raise awareness about the issues facing birds and the need for ramped up conservation efforts.

Join us and let's create a world where birds and their habitats are valued, protected, and thriving.

Step Up For Birds!

Show your support for birds and join the Aves community.

Each month we’ll fill your beak with the Birds Eye View; a journal of avian adventures including bird news, photography, conservation alerts, inspiring stories and bird facts.

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